Okay Miss Devon - here's my blog entry for today! Hee!
I loved tonight. We had a really yummy "breakfast pizza" for dinner with some toast and jam. Lissy loved tonight's dinner too! I'm so thankful she's not a picky eater. Anyway, then we were all in the family room watching cheesy Disney shows. Scotty and I were cuddled up on the couch and Bug was lying on the floor drinking her baba. It was just a really nice moment. :)
Thank you, God, for the really nice moments.
Oh - and she has added a new word to her vocab today: "Cool"! She brings us her little pink sunglasses so we'll put them on her and then she smiles and says, "Cool!" It is soooooo impossibly cute!! I'm amazed at the things she picks up lately. She's like a sponge!! Yesterday we were driving down to the mall and for some reason I said, "SSSSUCK!" cuz I was bummed about something, and we hear a little voice from the back seat: "suck". So yeah, it's time to start being really careful what we say when those little ears are close-by!
...I am still totally loving audio books. I checked a bunch out from the library this past week and put them onto my iPod. The two things I love best about them are:
-- I can listen to a book while I'm doing other things (like tonight I listened while I folded and put away laundry). I'm looking forward to working on crochet projects while I listen - gonna do that soon.
-- And it's just soooo relaxing!!
At the rate I'm going, I finish about two books a week. Right now I'm listening to "Light on Snow" by Anita Shreve. It's very intriguing and I can't wait to see how it ends. I really, really like this story.
Oh and ya know what I did last night? I went to a movie by myself. It was blissful. Saw "Dan in Real Life" and cried my eyes out. It is not a sad movie. It's happy and so very sweet and incredibly touching. I guess there are some "bittersweet" parts to it but in general it's a happy movie. I'm glad I was there by myself cuz I don't like people to see me cry. However, I was talking to my sister on the phone on my way home and could barely talk because of the crying. What a doofis, eh?! I want to buy that movie when it comes out on DVD. I can't wait to see it again. If you're reading this and haven't seen it yet, I hope you'll see it. I recommend it very highly!
I can't wait to see that movie. I love Steve Carrell!
Oh, and yes they do pick up on everything you say. Mike likes to say Damn sometimes, and Grace picked that one right up. They are little sponges - just like you said!
Wendy, I love your new blog.
I think it's cute that you cried at the movie. It has been so long since I've been to a movie I would probably cry just because I was there.
Hi Wendy!
Bob and I saw "Dan In Real Life" and thoroughly enjoyed it. I cried a bit, too, but they were happy tears. What a cute movie!
Thanks for sending me your new blog address.
I'm the worst blogger ever - I keep forgetting to post, and I forget to read other blogs, but I keep trying to do better.
Just loving reading your blog and hehehe I just love the little bir about your darling daughter's repeat after meeeeeeee COOOOOOOOL and the other word hehehe
Love from me Susan
Hi Wendy! Thanks to Devon posting a link on her blog, I can catch up with you and Alyssa. She is so big already and what a cutie. I will add this blog to my daily blogs to read...I look forward to your adventures.
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