Mo - the Sleep Snug things DID work!! My covers stayed in place beautifully last night - yay!!
For dinner tonight I made a RR recipe: Turkey Sweet-Potato Shepherd's Pie. She lies. It didn't take thirty minutes. It took almost an hour, what with all the chopping and dicing and getting three different pans out and all. But it was really tasty! Can you believe the recipe uses half of a banana? Random! We had cranberry sauce with it. I love cranberry sauce. Apparently, so does the small one - she gobbled it up quicker than I could put it on her high chair tray!
So anyway....right now I'm laying on my bed with two candles lit and Christmas music playing on my radio. Relaxation rocks.
I've got this new little pipedream. I wanna bake. I mean, not just for Scott and me - but for lots of people. I wish I could open up a cozy little bakery/cafe. There's nothing like that around here. There are plenty of Starbucks and Borders Cafes and everything, but there's nowhere you can just go and order a bowl of soup, a freshly-baked muffin and some really good coffee and relax. I wanna do it. I really do! If it ever happens - and that's a huge "IF!" - it won't be til Liss is in school, so I've got some time to figure out if it's something I'm capable of pulling off. There's a lot involved in something like opening a bakery. I just wanna make basic things like muffins, cupcakes, cookies, pies, pastries. Not birthday cakes or wedding cakes.....I don't wanna get into cake decorating at all. I would want it to be a perfect place for people to come and get really good baked goods and just hang out. I don't know enough about coffee at this point to even think about that part of it, but I can learn. And I'm even looking into taking some culinary classes. Oh my gosh, that would be SO cool!!!!! And heck, those will come in handy whether I open up a place or not! Who knows if it'll ever happen? But it sure is fun to dream about!
Tomorrow Liss is spending the night at Grandma and Grandpa's. This will be the first time I've ever been away from her overnight! It's kindof a "practice session" for our San Diego trip, when she'll be staying with them for five days. I miss her already. Gosh, she is the best.
Sounds like a wonderful place Wendy!
I wanna come and help you bake some cake's
love from me
Aw, that's sweet. Who wrote that?
you don't know who ME is well here is a clue it would be LOVELY to come and help you bake cakes nowdo you know who me is
I think you would make a perfect cafe hostess!
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