I really hope these crazy things help!
I don't mean to be a broken record but - my baby girl is so stinkin' awesome! Lol! She is THE best little hugger! I say, "Can Mommy have a hug?" And she cruises on over from wherever she is and just throws herself into my arms and nuzzles her precious little head against my belly. It is sweetness personified. And I squeeze her sooooooo tight! There is no feeling like it in the world and I feel incredibly blessed to experience it.
She got a flu shot today (the second in a round of two). The very moment we got into that doctor's office, she SCREAMED and had big ol' crocodile tears streaming down her red cheeks. I felt so bad for her!! The shot itself happened VERY quickly and as soon as I picked her back up off the table, she calmed down. She knew it was done and that everything would be fine. A handful of fishy crackers and her baba, and she was a very happy girl on the way home. Poor little peanut. Shots blow for little kids who have no idea what the heck is going on.
Tomorrow we're planning to meet some moms and kids at McDonald's playland for lunch. Can you say "chaos?" Lol! I'll keep ya posted.
Sooooo....do the sleep-snug's work?!
Give her a hug for me!
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