Saturday, November 10, 2007


This afternoon we took Liss to the mall down in Vernon Hills. We very rarely go to a mall cuz there isn't one close to us. We either have to drive 30 minutes to Gurnee or 35-40 minutes to Vernon Hills. I have a dream of someday living very close to a mall. *wendy gets a wistful look in her eye*
But I digress. So the three of us went today because I heard that Curious George was gonna be there. The one, the only -- George. Liss doesn't even like that show yet but she sure loves his books. So we find him and we take her out of her stroller and put her down. She beelines for the monkey - walks right up to him and waves. He waves back. Then she walks around him in a circle a couple times, checking him out real good, and finally pokes his monkey butt. It was really cute. And her doofis mom forgot the camera - again!
Then she proceeded to attempt Elmo theft at a toy store, climb into another kid's stroller, and leave with somebody else's red balloon. Ah, adventures at the mall.
It was fun though. She and I needed a change of scenery something FIERCE. I am so tired of sitting in this family room!!!!!!

1 comment:

daionara said...

HAHAHAHA! She poked his bottom! Guess she wanted to know if he was ripe yet.