She's fourteen months old. She's not ready to use the potty. But nevertheless, today I bought her a potty chair because, well, someday soon she'll use it - and a little ridiculous optimism never hurt anybody. Lesson number one took place this evening. Upon seeing the new potty chair for the first time, she stepped ever-so-gingerly into it - one piggy at a time - and was standing like a fountain statue in the center of the potty. After that, I demonstrated how to sit on it (don't worry - I hovered above it. I'd rather not break the thing before she even uses it.). Then Pooh Bear demonstrated how to sit on it (while Mommy made small farting sounds to enhance the experience). This seemed effective. Then daddy hovered above the potty chair as his daughter watched with obvious amusement. I said, "When you need to poop, come and sit on this potty chair." Yeah. THAT'S gonna happen. OH - and she is an expert at very succinctly saying the word "potty." Another new word to add to her rapidly-increasing vocabulary. Go, Lissy, go! Pun fully intended. As you can see from the photo, she quickly grew bored of sitting on the potty and raced off to play with the box said potty came in. I gave her a B+ on lesson one. Not bad for a fourteen-month old.

So finally I parked and Lissy and I went into the building. We walk into the office and spot him standing in the conference room holding a plate full of BOSTON MARKET, for crying in the night!! As soon as he saw Liss and I standing there staring at him blankly, he looked surprised and then ashamed. Yep, he completely forgot we were supposed to do lunch today.
He apologized, said he'd still go to lunch with us, and when asked where I wanted to go I said - without missing a beat - "The mall." After a quick, lukewarm lunch in the food court I headed to the Yankee Candle shop and picked out sixty bucks worth of candles and, like the smart boy he is, he handed me his credit card. It was a good day.
She looks so much like Scott in that picture! And congrats on the candles!
Hi Wendy all I can say is..........OOPS SCOTTY OOPS SCOTYY OOPS SCOTTY OOPS,But them there Yankee Candles were worth the wait.........HEHEHEHE
Love from Susan
HAHAHAHA! How very quick of Scott to hand over that credit card, he knew he was in the dog house LOL
My little pal Lissy is getting so big!
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