So here's some news: I'm goin' back to school! Taking a culinary class that goes from January through May. Check out this description - doesn't it sound so fun?!!
"Studies of the principles of food preparation with emphasis on skill development for the production of bread and pastry, salad, and international cuisine. Includes the principles of purchasing, pricing, scheduling, and catering management."
The class will meet every Tuesday from 11-5:00. Two hours of lecture, three hours of lab (kitchen work). Sweetness!!!!!! I am so psyched!!
So we were watching Food Network yesterday and that guy with blonde, spikey hair (Guy Something-or-other) was at a restaurant where they made "inside-out cheeseburgers" and he's eating the thing going "Oh MAN, this is the BEST burger...." *rave, rave, rave*.... Scott noticed that he said this restaurant (Hackney's) was north of Chicago so we looked it up online and found out the place is only fifteen minutes from us. So guess where we went for dinner last night with Mom and Dad? And yeah, the burgers were awesome. So was the block of onion rings. With LOTS of ketchup. So naughty, but sooooooo nice. And guess where we took our friends for lunch today? Yep, twice within less than 24 hours. It was cool to see this place on Food Network and then be able to go there for dinner a couple hours later!
And without further know I've got new pictures! The first is one is her playing with her cousin Emily in Green Bay on Thanksgiving. She really likes Emily! The other two are from yesterday when Grandpa was feeding her mini M&M's (or as she says, "Enin-M's"). She loves them so much that she drools in technicolor.

That last one is *too* adorably cute~!
(BTW, luv your 'do, too!)
Oh yeah, totally loving that last shot! Kisses to mah Lissy pal!
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