Monday: I made Molasses Sandwich Cookies. The filling was grainy and the cookies were nasty. I chucked 'em.
Wednesday: I made Turtle Pumpkin Pie. It was a no-bake recipe but had to be refrigerated for "one hour". Yeah. The next morning, the thing was still total soup. I chucked it.
But I was NOT to be defeated. This girl does not make two failed recipes only to quit in utter disillusionment. Nay, she saw it as a delicious challenge and would be appeased only by a culinary victory.

Fifty minutes later, my house smells like chocolate euphoria and I take the cake out of the oven. It cools in the pan for five minutes and then I turn the pan upside down on the cooling rack in the hopes of the cake being released in one piece. Oh my gosh, look at that - it worked!! God bless parchment paper.
I take in a huge whiff of the warm deliciousness and then make the icing and spread it on the cake.
Wow. This looks amazing. It's definitely time to sample a piece!
Hey, it looks just like the picture in the cookbook - only better, because they used chocolate shavings to garnish the whipped cream and I used crushed peppermint candies!
I take a forkful. SOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!! .....Not one to be too self-indulgent, I share my piece of cake with my girl. I suppose this picture speaks for itself.
I decide that if I keep this cake in the house, I will devour it within twenty-four hours, so I pack up the cake and the whipped cream and my girl and we head to Daddy's work. His co-workers loved it. One of them even said to him, "Was your wife raised by Betty Crocker or something?" Coooooool!
Oh and hey, I think I thought of a name for my future cafe: "Sweet Lissy B's." You like?