Friday, February 15, 2008


I don't know if you've heard about these incidents, but they both happened in Illinois this past week. I can't believe these things can happen. What is WRONG with people?? WHY do they think they can kill completely innocent people randomly? Last weekend a guy walked into a Lane Bryant store and shot five women dead. Yesterday at Northern Illinois University some freak walked onto the stage of a lecture hall and shot more than twenty students. Six of them died. WHAT is WRONG with people??????????? It makes me want to keep Lissy locked up in the house forever. Come on, people. STOP taking your anger out on innocent people. STOP!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Yeah, and it's too bad the media gives them so much attention--it just begs more people who are angry & suicidal to do more of the same; to get their moment of fame at the expense of others. Very sad.