Her hair has just been OUT of control - I wet it and comb it and wet it and comb it and brush it and even put styling foam in it. But nothing helped - it still stuck straight out from her head!
So I bit the bullet and gave her her first haircut today. I didn't wanna do it myself - I was rather terrified. But hey, lookie here - I did an okay job, don'tcha think?? It's pretty short but it'll hopefully grow back out thicker and easier to manage!
You did a great job! It's always scary, working on little kids' hair like that, but usually it turns out pretty good. And yes, it should thicken up a bit--Megan's sure did after her first cut at age 3 & 1/2!:) Way to take control of what was an annoying situation!
Not bad at all. I'm impressed.
Hello Wendy,
You are a braver woman than me, I do think you have made a good job, I love the first pic you have on here as it looks like Lissy is putting her finger to her lips as if to say I won't tell Daddy if you don't.
Love From Susan
You did great!
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