Sunday, March 2, 2008


Those Target execs ain't no dum-dums. They have a little "Live Reading of Dr. Suess" event and afterwards the toy aisles end up packed with parents. It was so nice to get out and have some fun as a family today, though! Here is a little photo diary of our trip to Target:

Lissy's paternal grandma has some Irish in her, so I guess this kindof applies.

She actually sat and listened to "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and "Oh, The Places You'll Go" all the way through. It helped that a lady gave her a little bag of fishy crackers as soon as we got there.

Then, as daddies will do, Scotty found two big stuffed tigers in the toy section and gave them to her. It was LOVE at first sight. She gave the white one a big smackeroo right on his plastic nose.

And she would NOT let go of them. She hugged 'em both during the ride home. Her little face is in there somewhere.....see it?

And as soon as we got home, they became her new favorite playmates.


Tricia said...

Cute pics...I love the last one!:)


Anonymous said...

Allllllll I wili say is GRRRRRRRRRR I want Thomas and his sister Thomasina and also want the Little Irish Leprechaun Lissy too only joking hehehehehe just love the pics.

Love from Susan AKA in the NUT

Teresa said...

Ah, she's a kitty lover like her mommy. :-)

Brenda said...

Oh I'm having Carly flashbacks. She LOOOOVED tigers! My dad made a special zoo trip with her when she was 2 years old to see the white tiger at the Ft Worth Zoo and Car STILL remembers it!