Sunday, December 16, 2007


This entry will probably raise some disagreeing eyebrows but so be it. I have to vent somewhere!

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO TIRED of girlymen on TV!!!! It seems like almost every show on every channel bombards us with them. Martha has them on her show a lot, offering fashion tips or explaining how to style your hair. That blonde, ultra-femmy Carson guy comes on during holiday movies on Lifetime and giggles after he makes subtle funnies about his extreme gayness. Right now I'm watching TLC and there's a little guy who's flitting around acting and sounding more girly than a girly-girl. Correction: I'm not watching it. I just turned it off.
That's what makes me sick to my stomach: when they act so disgustingly feminine - exaggerating their S's and clucking their tongues and sticking their pinky fingers out. Come ON. You're a MAN, for crying out loud! You were born a male. Deal with it.
From what I have observed, it seems like there are two types - those who you would not know were gay unless you asked, and those who just scream "I'm sooo gay." Though I do not support the lifestyle at all, I feel that the first type are much less offensive. I'm sorry, but it is downright offensive to me when a man flaunts his homosexuality by flitting around and giggling and making their voices sound as high-pitched as they possibly can. It's just.....not the way it's supposed to be.
I have met some homosexuals who are some of THE nicest people I have ever known. I firmly believe in "hate the sin, not the sinner." (And yes, I also firmly believe that it's a sin. You believe what you believe. I'll continue to believe what I believe. My mind will not be changed.) ...But back to my original point: Why do we have to be inundated with femmy men every time we change the channel?? Will it ever go away??


Anonymous said...

All I'm going to say is that if you don't want to be stereotyped, then don't bring a stereotype upon yourself in the first place & then complain when people notice the stereotype. I agree--do what you want to do, but is the ultra "feminism" really necessary? If your sexuality DOESN'T define you, then why the need to talk in such a way that only emphasizes your sexual choices?!


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with hate the sin, not the sinner but how can you not when it is being shoved down your throat? It is getting so you can't change the channel because it is on all of them!

daionara said...

Wendy luv it's not going to go away. Somewhere along the road the political agenda someone had made being gay "ok". In the last several years that has meant forcing gay men and women down our throats.

It's a sin. It's a perversion. To me it is equal to pedophilia, beastiality and necrophilia. All these people cannot help what sexually arouses them, but they can choose not to act on it.

This is probably one of the reasons I watch very little tv anymore. Yikes!

You know, we don't have heterosexual parades or slam our faces on tv screaming, "I only have sex with people of the opposite gender." We don't have hetero only clubs. Yet THEY see nothing wrong with what they are doing. I lived in a city that held a parade for homosexuals every year and they'd chant "We're here, we're queer, get used to it."

Well, "I'm here, not queer and I don't have to get used to your sex life!"

Sorry, I vented on your blog LOL

Anonymous said...

It's a sin. It's a perversion. To me it is equal to pedophilia, beastiality and necrophilia.

Wow. That's a lot of hate. Are you teaching your daughter that hate as well?

I don't care who loves whom. I don't care if they do it in front of me. I live my life under the umbrella of "treat others as you would like to be treated."

And, BTW - straight people have been slamming their sexual preferences into our faces for YEARS. Perhaps if you watched more TV, then you would see that.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to hide behind your religion to justify your hate, bigotry, lack of knowledge and intolerance of others who are different than you.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you all the way Wendy. Now that I have children of my own, it disgusts me even more. I don't want my son growing up thinking this is how "men" act.
I don't want my son thinking "hmm should I marry Dana or Dan".
Men are suppose to enjoy working on cars, playing ball, going fishing.. not fixing womans hair or talking about the latest purse!

Anyway, well said Wendy.

"S.E" from playgroup