Monday, December 31, 2007

Monday, December 24, 2007
......So my family Christmas party was wonderful, as usual! We all had a great time and we all received wonderful gifts. Some of my favorites are a large Vera Bradley bag to keep my knitting/crochet projects in, a cookbook called "Cake Batter Cookies", a set of three wooden spoons, two Golden Spiced Pear Yankee jar candles and a dozen Yankee votives, a Pancake Puff Pan (a la an infomercial I saw a few months ago), and a novel that I'm looking forward to reading, and an awesome thick fleece blanket from Kenzie, and some fleece jammies with snowflakes on them. It was a good, good Christmas, indeed!! Scotty got lots of clothes and a DVD and a Playstation 3 game. Lissy got MAJOR clothes (all SOOOO cute!) and toys. She had an absolute blast. She wore a very cute dress to Grandma's house. She's like her mama in that she doesn't wear dresses all that often, so when she does - it presents a rare and precious photo op.

And here she is today right before we left for lunch, modeling the scarf that I knitted for her. Doesn't she look warm and toasty?! I was surprised she didn't try to rip it right off, but she didn't. She kept it on and seemed proud to be wearing it!

Signing off for now. Merry Christmas Eve!
Friday, December 21, 2007

Her Great-Grandma and -Grandpa Conger sent her this way cool toy - an old-fashioned top. She absolutely loves it!
And here she is sporting the very stylishly pink Calvin shirt that Auntie Rachel sent. Yep, my little prep!

I'll be back soon to write about the neat-o presents we get! ;)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO TIRED of girlymen on TV!!!! It seems like almost every show on every channel bombards us with them. Martha has them on her show a lot, offering fashion tips or explaining how to style your hair. That blonde, ultra-femmy Carson guy comes on during holiday movies on Lifetime and giggles after he makes subtle funnies about his extreme gayness. Right now I'm watching TLC and there's a little guy who's flitting around acting and sounding more girly than a girly-girl. Correction: I'm not watching it. I just turned it off.
That's what makes me sick to my stomach: when they act so disgustingly feminine - exaggerating their S's and clucking their tongues and sticking their pinky fingers out. Come ON. You're a MAN, for crying out loud! You were born a male. Deal with it.
From what I have observed, it seems like there are two types - those who you would not know were gay unless you asked, and those who just scream "I'm sooo gay." Though I do not support the lifestyle at all, I feel that the first type are much less offensive. I'm sorry, but it is downright offensive to me when a man flaunts his homosexuality by flitting around and giggling and making their voices sound as high-pitched as they possibly can. It's just.....not the way it's supposed to be.
I have met some homosexuals who are some of THE nicest people I have ever known. I firmly believe in "hate the sin, not the sinner." (And yes, I also firmly believe that it's a sin. You believe what you believe. I'll continue to believe what I believe. My mind will not be changed.) ...But back to my original point: Why do we have to be inundated with femmy men every time we change the channel?? Will it ever go away??
Saturday, December 15, 2007
And I had to show you this picture. She was playing in a "fort" with Daddy the other night and her hair was soooo staticky!! Look how it's sticking straight up! This picture just cracks me up, and it's DEFINITELY going to be shown for all to see at her wedding reception!

It's gonna be another pretty busy week. Some friends are coming for lunch on Monday...Liss goes to daycare on Tuesday and an electrician is coming to do a couple odd jobs...I have lots of Christmas gifts to wrap...
And of course the endless trips to the grocery store and laundry and everything else that keeps the home fires burnin'.
But I'll try to be back soon! Have a blessed week as you get ready for the big day!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007

We have had our share of minor frustrations on this trip. Last night our hotel room smelled like rotten eggs. Sulfur in the water, especially the toilet. It was nasty. And I have a bionic nose, so eew. Finally they moved us to a different room on the tenth floor. Then this morning Scott discovered that our toilet would not flush. Thinking that it would be neat-o to avoid our new room smelling like an outhouse, I called the front desk and a dude came up and fixed the potty right quick. Phew. So now I raise a glass of sparkling water on the rocks to NO more bathroom malfunctions.
Monday, December 3, 2007

- Blueberry Crumble Tarts
- Apple Galettes
- Savory Goat Cheese and Onion Tart
We learned that the difference between a pie and a galette is that with galettes, the crust folds over the filling (like the picture above - that's one that we made). I am gonna make more of these because they are easy and so much fun and they turn out so cool-looking. Like a "rustic" pie, the instructor said, We used an egg wash on the crust, then sprinkled them with coarse sugar and brushed on an apricot glaze. Stinkin' COOL!!
Bekah and I had a blast. It was snowing and sleeting our whole way home and it took us FOUR hours to get from Evanston back home (a trip that should take just over an hour). Driving in that was so terrifiying. I think I'm still tense from that trip!
But the class was worth it. And it made me even MORE excited to start the Food Preparation class this January!!!!
.....So we leave for San Diego tomorrow afternoon. I'm not taking my laptop so I probably won't be blogging at all until we get back. No doubt, I will have LOTS of pictures and stories to share from our trip! I am sooo excited. But ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh am I gonna miss my baby girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
See ya when I'm back! :)