Sunday, April 20, 2008

Slacker, the Sequel

So, I kinda go through phases where I don't feel like blogging and then phases where I do. Thus ends (hopefully) the phase where I don't.

Lissy got her first "real" owie yesterday. We were up in Green Bay at Betsy's wedding and Grandpa was playing with her in the church nursery. They were having a grand time, when all of the sudden the little thing she was riding in tipped over and sent her face first onto the floor. As you can see, she scraped her nose pretty good. It's also red and sore under her nose, due to the snot that has been running freakishly quickly out of said nose. I did not know it was possible for one small nose to produce such abundant quantities of snot. I don't think she has a cold. There are no other symptoms. But this poor girl has her Mommy chasing her around with a wad of Kleenex during her every waking minute. Hence, the red undernose. I've been calling her "Rudolph."

And in other news, Uncle Terry visited this past week from Michigan. This was the first time she met him and she took to him very quickly, as if she knew right away that he was family. He got bonus points for sharing his glass of ice water with her.

During that same visit, she wanted to walk in Grandpa's shoes and was surprisingly successful in doing so. What if her feet were really that big? She could make us millions by being a carnival sideshow.

Hmmm....what else? I've been working out at Cardinal Fitness 4 times a week and I just LOVE it! I haven't noticed any weight loss yet, but I'll keep plugging away! I think I have a love affair with the elliptical machine. And I'm extremely fond of the weight machines that work my abs. Hopefully the elliptical isn't jealous. I still think it is SO motivating to work out among several other people who are working out. As for the handful of guys who sound like they're trying to pass the world's largest turd while they lift hundreds of pounds of barbell weight, well - they're just weird.

Only one transcription assignment so far, but I hope to get at least one or two good ones this week!

OH! I got a new VACUUM today!!! FINALLY!! A Bissel. I am truly thrilled, because this house needs some SERIOUS work. It is a PIT. We gave Toskey to a new family so we are blissfully animal-free. Our poor house has smelled like a pet store for months - I am so serious. I cannot wait to get all the last traces of litter OFF of my laundry room floor and vacuum all the last traces of long cat hair!! Maybe someday when we have a bigger house and there's more room for air to circulate and a better place to keep the nasty litter boxes, we will have another cat. Maybe.

Bunco is fun.


d_evans said...

'bout time slacker!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, just wanted to say, maybe Lissy has allergies? Children's Benedryl should stop the constant runny nose - or ask your doctor what they recommend.
Cute photos! :o)

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to your Blog, Wendy and poor Lissy I hope your nose gets better soon. I love the pic of Lissy's and Grandpa its looks like she is saying it's alright Grandpa you can have your trainers back soon promise.

The Vaters said...

Oh, poor Lissy's got a boo-boo! Welcome back to your blog by the way!

Kat said...

The tide has turned...mark this day in history - Wendy is cat-less. I never thought I would live to see the day!

I also have a love affair with the eliptical machine. It makes me think I can/would like running...until I try outside - then I remember that running is my enemy.

Rachel said...

Um, Lissy is twins with Kaitlyn, who fell outside at church today and has an egg on her forehead and a bright red scab/scrape under her nostril. Geez louise. She also has nastily scraped knee.

We need to catch up, and I'm also hoping you're going to treck your buns over here soon.