At any rate, here I am, FINALLY writing. I hope you haven't given up on me!
I have no clue why it's underlining everything.
So, what to write about? I'm going SHOPPING tomorrow with half of our stimulus money!!! I cannot wait!!! Tonight I'll probably dream about clothes and sandals and purses and Bath & Body Works stuff. I just cleaned out my closet and filled two huge bags with clothes for goodwill - stuff that I know I'll never wear again cuz it hasn't fit since I was 18. Seriously. It will feel GOOD to get rid of all that clothes that just took up space in my closet. And I even made a list of what I want to buy (summer shirts, jean shorts, khaki shorts, a pair of jeans, sandals, summer jammies, etc). Speaking of summer jammies -- I think my hubby will be pleasantly surprised when he notices that I finally PITCHED all my ugly, stained, misshapen pajamas! They are in the trash can as we speak. Tomorrow I plan to buy very cute summer jammies, which I plan to wear all summer. Just because I'm an old, married mom does not mean I have to look like a frump every night when I go to bed. Oh, tomorrow will be SO much fun!!
Liss has been doing GREAT. She's talking. And talking. And talking. And talking. I think she loves to hear her own voice. It's very entertaining and (usually) very adorable. She LOVES the kids' room at the gym now. She looks forward to going and as soon as I set her loose in there, she runs around and looks right at home. She even waves when I leave the room and says, "Bye bye, Mommy!" That is AWESOME, because I'm usually there for an hour and 15 minutes each time...and it's wonderful to know she's having fun with the kids and the toys in there while I whip my jiggly buns into shape. I love that place. Love it. Have I mentioned that I LOVE that place?
However, I tried on like twenty pairs of shorts tonight and the vast majority of them were tooooo small. Depressing. Very depressing, indeed. But, like I said, a lot of those clothes have been around since pretty much caveman days. Being a wife and having a baby do things to one's body. Gravity-type things. So I will be buying plenty of shorts tomorrow.
Okay, this entry is so boring I'm yawning. I guess things have been pretty same-old, same-old since my last entry. Either that or I'm too lazy to think hard about what else to write about. Transcription has been going great. I've done four projects so far. Baking is going well, too. I'm baking Charlie's birthday cake this weekend and three different kinds of biscotti next Monday. I baked cupcakes just for us this past weekend, and come Monday I threw several of them in the garbage. They were delicious, but the problem was - I was EATING them.
I am currently reading Debbie Macomber's newest novel, Twenty Wishes. Loving it. She is bar none my favorite author, followed closely by Karen Kingsbury and Robin Jones Gunn.
Well, I gotta rest up for tomorrow's spree, so without further ado, please enjoy these recent pictures of the love of my life.
I showed her how to put a crayon up her nose. Very mature. And very safe. Well, I'm still the crazy weirdo I've always been, so......
And this is from this afternoon when her best buddy, Charlie was over. Two peas in a pod. A storage bin, rather.
It's about time woman!
Couldn't agree with you more Devon hehehehe............But Welcome back Wendy,hope all is well with you all and boy do you teach your daughter some weird things to do with a crayon I like to colour in with Crayons
Love from Me Susan
I'm feeling your frustration about blogger. It's very rigid. I wanted to put pics next to the text and it put the text halfway down the middle of the pics instead of at the top. Also, when I'm typing my draft, it looks completely different when I preview my post. Grrr. Any tips to putting together a hassle free post?
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