I LOVE my new cast iron pot!!! Mom gave it to me for my birthday. It's a Martha Stewart pot from her new line at Macy's. The sucker is huge (7 quarts) and REALLY heavy. I've used it a dozen times already since I got it. Tonight I made "oven beef stew" in it and it was out of this world. I love my pot.

And my iPod - oh my. How did I live without one?!! It's causing me to have an interest in music again and oh how I love audio books!! Listening to them before I drift off to sleep at night is about the most relaxing thing ever. Last night I sat in the recliner and knitted while listening to Starbucks-y music on it. Life is sweet.
And I saved the best for last for tonight's entry: My little girl. Alyssa makes my whole world go around. It's hard to not get sappy when I write about this kid. She is the most amazing little human being I've ever known. Today Grandma and Grandpa came to spend most of the day with us and she was in her glory! She bee-lined for Grandpa with her little arms out to him as soon as he walked in the door. He didn't like that at all (please note MAJOR sarcasm here). Whenever trick-or-treaters rang the bell, she screeched and high-tailed it to the front door. She got quite a kick out of seeing princesses and lions and puppies and ghosts when we opened the door. OH - and I hid my fart machine under a bush and pressed the button on the remote control to make it fart right as the kids were walking back down the sidewalk. That was entertaining! Wish I had a video camera on those kids when they heard the first fart. Gonna do that next year, too. Halloween is cool.
Anyway....so yeah, life has been a lot of fun lately! God is good. Really, really good.
Oh, and as for the title of my new blog -- Up until about a year ago, I hated pink and wouldn't be caught dead wearing it. Now, it's one of my favorite colors. What gives? It is it because I have a girl and love dressing her in cutesy pink stuff? Is her mere girly-ness rubbing off on her Mama? Methinks it is! But that's okay. Change is good. And kinda fun.
You seriously have a fart machine?
You worry me at times.
Wanna share the recipe for the "oven beef stew"...pretty please?!?
Great new blog. Love the pic of Lyssie. Such a cute.
Cutie.. that is.
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